Dennis Gulledge

In John 12:4-8, we find the occasion when Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with ointment. Judas condemned her for what he perceived as waste. Jesus applauded her for the meaning which her act had in preparation for His death. Guy N. Woods noted, “Taught here with great emphasis is the blessedness of looking for that which is good in another, as Jesus did, rather than searching for faults as Judas did.”

It is easy to be a faultfinder if one wants to be. It should be just as easy to find the good in people. It is easy to hear a sermon for the express purpose of picking it apart. It is easy to read books or articles with the same intent. Some are never so comfortable as when they are setting someone else straight. In most cases, where one can find something to condemn, he can also find something to commend. (See Rev. 2 and 3)

If one is searching for fault, he can usually find it without much difficulty. Jesus was not a faultfinder, but neither did he hesitate to point out fault (sin) when He found it. To look for the good in people does not mean that one should be oblivious to error. Balance would demand that we deal with error openly and honestly, and applaud the good in people when we find it.