

A few years ago, I was talking to a Christian about his commitment to God. He said he didn’t go to worship much because God had “touched him.” He stated that he took his granddaughter, but he hadn’t been to worship in three weeks. Church just wasn’t what he expected. So, I asked him, “just what did he expect?”

What Do YOU Expect of God?

Some expect God to put a stamp of approval on their lifestyle and to accept them without any change on their part. These folks might reason that since God is just and kind, He would accept them as they are. Jesus, however preached, “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He also stated, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:3) We have to change for God to accept us.

Some may think very little of God's perspective and only think about their own. Remember, God doesn’t think like man does. (Isa. 55:8, 9) Man lives in a physical world. Often what man expects in the physical, he also expects in the spiritual. When excitement, entertainment, and pleasure are the way of the physical, some expect that in the spiritual as well. Any church that doesn’t provide those is not what they expect.

Sometimes man may think God’s ways are unfair. Some said so in the past. (Ezek. 18:25) Those living in a sinful relationship might believe it is unfair that God wants them to separate. Someone else in a dead-end marriage can’t believe that God wants them to stay together “till death do you part.” Those who are living a sinful lifestyle might consider it unfair that they must leave that lifestyle in order to get to heaven. (Gal. 5:19-21) Yet, who is it that sets the standard of fairness? Who decides right or wrong? God does.

Some may expect God to do what man is supposed to do. God cannot save a person who does not want to be saved. God cannot save someone who has not met His requirements. (Matt. 7:21) When the rich man was in torment as recorded in Luke chapter 16, he wanted someone to go to his brothers on earth to warn them. The answer was, “They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.” (Luke 16:29) Those who want to be saved must follow God's laws. Anything else is not acceptable.

We cannot expect God to strike us with a burst of Bible knowledge. It takes study on the part of man to understand the will of God. The Bereans searched the scriptures to see if the preaching they heard was accurate. (Acts 17:11) We must study God’s Word and handle it correctly. (2 Tim. 2:15) Let us pray that we always strive to do what God expects so that we have a good conscience toward Him. (Acts 24:16; 1 Pet. 3:21) God loves us so much that He puts guidelines, rules, and ways in place to help us get through this life and be in heaven one day with Him. If we follow Him, we will achieve that goal.


A member of the mainstream press has written to his peers about how to regain credibility with mainstream America.   The author of the article offered this advise: “Spend some time thinking about people you might not normally rub elbows with — people who go to church on Wednesday nights, people who drive pickups, and people who shop at Walmart...if you want to remain relevant and credible to them, you can’t ignore them.” He is taking about common people (“Walmart”), working people (“pickups”), and religious people (“Wednesday nights.”) I found it interesting that he chose to typify religious people as “people who go to church on Wednesday nights.”   These are usually people who take Christianity seriously.  They do not just attend church; they live as part of the church.

When you ask about the attendance at a church, you usually get the number that attends Sunday morning worship.   There are not as many in Sunday morning Bible study, fewer on Sunday Evenings, and fewest on Wednesday nights.  The numbers who attend on Wednesday nights may be half of the numbers who attend Sunday Mornings, maybe less.   Some churches do not have mid-week service anymore.

I remember when Wednesday night was called “church night.” Someone in the community would suggest an activity on a Wednesday night and someone else would say, “...but that is church night!” It was almost certain that a community activity would have poor attendance on "church night," because people would be going to church.  Even ball teams would be missing some of their key players on “church night.”   My parents taught me by example that “church night” was a priority, and I wanted my children to learn the same from me.   I was once supposed to be recognized at an awards banquet for my work, but I respectfully told my supervisor I would not be able to attend because I would be teaching a Wednesday Night Bible class at church.   Now my children take my grandchildren to Bible class on “church night.”

My grandparents called the mid-week service “prayer meeting.”  When I attended with them, we would go to Bible classes, but there was a part of that time when we would gather in the auditorium.   We would sing together, someone would make announcements, there would be prayer requests, and we would all pray together. Prayer was a big part of “church night.”

We are mighty blessed in Warren County (Tennessee).   Every year there are numerous Gospel Meetings and Vacation Bible Schools.   There are several annual “singings” in our area where those who love to sing gather together for congregational singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.   Several of the churches have a Ladies Bible Class, and some have classes for men and women during the day on various days of the week.   There are two or three "Schools of Biblical Studies” in the area where people regularly spend two to three hours in an evening on a given weeknight receiving Bible instruction.   In addition, there are youth meetings, youth retreats, Bible camps, and two organized Bible bowls for our young people.  The churches are good at supporting each other in these activities.   Those who do enjoy the fellowship of their brethren, but they are also aware that their involvement honor's God.

This is what brings people together on Wednesday Evenings.   At Rockliff, we have been using Wednesday evenings to help our young people prepare for the monthly Bible Bowl as we read and review the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.   My father, James Boyd, led us through a study of the spiritual heroes of ancient Israel during the times of the judges (this included Gideon, Deborah, Samson, Ruth, and Samuel.)   If you wish you knew more about the Bible, or seek a “closer walk” with God, and desire personal spiritual growth, and value the time you spend with godly Christian friends, and if you want to be more fully integrated into your church family, and want to be of strength and encouragement to your brethren, and if you want your lifestyle to glorify God, then make “church night” a priority.   The people who go to church on Wednesday night are some of the finest people in the world.   These are the few that make a big difference; they are the salt of the earth.   Some in the mainstream media are starting to think about them.  Perhaps as others begin to realize the vanity of things “under the sun,” they will begin thinking about them, too. 


When they think about "people who go to church on Wednesday nights," will they be thinking about you?


“Old Blue” is what I call my little Ranger pickup. The paint on “Old Blue” is chipping and fading and there are some rust spots, but all in all, he is doing pretty well. I drove it recently while I was having some work done on my car. I noticed that the engine was running hotter than normal.

Now I am not much of a mechanic, but I found myself wondering if there was a problem with the thermostat.  Then I thought, “I wonder if maybe it is low in radiator fluid?”  I hadn’t checked that in a while so I decided I should start there.  Sure enough, it was low.  I added some fluid and so far, so good.

The fluid in our radiators and the oil in our engines help our vehicles deal with the heat and friction created by the moving parts in a motor.  If these fluids are absent or low, they can destroy an engine.   A person’s life can run low as well.  The heat and friction of daily living can break us down. The person best able to deal with life and “cool down” when things are tough is the person who is filled with Christ.  Have we become too busy to check on our spiritual fluid levels?  It is not wise to fail to check the fluids in a car. It can be deadly not to periodically reflect on the level of a person’s relationship with Christ.  To begin with, a person must be in Christ for Christ to be in him or her.   This happens when we express our faith in repentance, confession, and baptism.  We then need to work on growing in Christ. Sin, and the guilt that goes with it, can drain our relationship with Jesus. Is there something we need to seek His forgiveness for?   Some things we can do to help ourselves to stay full-of-Christ are the following:

1. Meet regularly with God’s people for worship.
2. Read regularly from God’s word.
3. Pray regularly for God’s strength.
4. Worship regularly in God’s presence.
5. Serve regularly in God’s name and for God’s glory.

These things can help us to feel God’s presence in our lives. When we regularly leave these things out it can leave us feeling empty. An empty spiritual tank is never a good thing.

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